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This hook is used to call specific function from the smart contract. You can control the result of the call by passing onError and onSuccess functions to the hook's input object.


Let's think of a case where we have a ERC20 contract and we want to call balanceOf function to retrieve the balance.

import { useContractFunction } from "ethylene/hooks";
import { ERC20 } from "ethylene/constants";

function App() {
const provider = useProvider();
const address = useAddress();

const { execute, isLoading, isFailed } = useContractFunction({
abi: ERC20, // Contract Interface in JSON format
address: "0xContractAddress",
method: "balanceOf",
onSuccess: (res) => console.log(res),
args: [address],

return (
<button onClick={async () => await execute()}>
Call a function named balanceOf

As you can see, the arguments are passed as an array to the hook.


If you want to wait for transaction to be confirmed before loading state resolves, you can use executeAndWait function that is returned from the hook.

import { useContractFunction } from "ethylene/hooks";
import { ERC20 } from "ethylene/constants";

function App() {
const provider = useProvider();
const address = useAddress();

const { executeAndWait, isLoading, isFailed } = useContractFunction({
abi: ERC20, // Contract Interface in JSON format
address: "0xContractAddress",
method: "method",
onSuccess: (res) => console.log(res),
args: [
/* args here */

return (
<button onClick={async () => await execute()}>
Call a function named balanceOf
{isLoading && <span>Loading...</span>}


Result type with Typescript

You can set a type to res that is passed to onSuccess function. To do that you have to just create your custom type and pass it to useContractFunction hook. You can find the example below.

import { useContractFunction } from "ethylene/hooks";
import { ERC20 } from "ethylene/constants";
import { BigNumber } from "ethers";

function App() {

const { execute } = useContractFunction<BigNumber>({
abi: ERC20,
address: "0xContractAddress",
method: "balanceOf",
onSuccess: (res) => {
console.log(res); // res will be BigNumber
args: [address],

return (


type Props = {
address: string; // contract address
abi: ContractInterface; // Only JSON Interface is supported for now
method: string; // method name
args?: any; // arguments as array
connectSigner?: boolean; // whether to call `connect` method before call. Defaults to true
onError?: (err: any) => void; // Function called during error
onSuccess?: (res: T) => void; // Function called after success

type ReturnType = {
isLoading: boolean;
isFailed: boolean;
execute: () => Promise<void>;
executeAndWait: () => Promise<void>;