📄️ useAuth
Using this hook, you can check whether you are connected to the wallet.
📄️ useProvider
This hook helps you get Provider information from the state.
📄️ useSigner
This hook helps you get Signer information from the state.
📄️ useAddress
Using this hook, you can get your wallet address.
📄️ useBalance
This hook is used to get your provider balance in direct, or in indirect way. Return type is BigNumber; therefore, you should be able to convert it properly while displaying. Good news! We are working on the formatters and you should be comfortable while working with BigNumbers.
📄️ useContract
You can use this hook to call view functions, send transactions and interact with the smart contract that is defined with the given properties.
📄️ useContractFunction
This hook is used to call specific function from the smart contract. You can control the result of the call by passing onError and onSuccess functions to the hook's input object.
📄️ useContractEvent
This hook is used to assign callbacks for events that is triggered from the Smart Contract.
📄️ useERC20Balance
This hook is used to get balance of your extended ERC20 token. It uses balanceOf method in background and sets the state accordingly.
📄️ useBlockNumber
useBlockNumber hook is used to fetch the block number from the provider
📄️ useBlock
useBlock hook is used to fetch the block with the given block number.
📄️ useBlockTimestamp
useBlockTimestamp hook is used to fetch current timestamp from the block.
📄️ useERC20Contract
This hook is used to initialize a ERC20 contract with specific address. It returns the EthyleneContract instance and the methods are auto-completed using typescript.