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You can use this hook to call view functions, send transactions and interact with the smart contract that is defined with the given properties.

The main advantage of this hook is that you can control the loading and error states.


Let's think of a case where we have a ERC20 contract and we want to call a fictional function called allowance. You can follow the pattern below to call the function and check the loading and error states of it.

import { useContract } from "ethylene/hooks";
import { ERC20 } from "ethylene/constants";

function App() {
const provider = useProvider();

const contract = useContract({
address: "0xContractAddress",
abi: ERC20,
provider: provider,

return (
onClick={async () => {
/* pass your arguments in respective order */
const res = await contract?.methods.allowance.execute();
// We advise using optional chaining to prevent calling methods of null value.
Call a function named allowance
<span>{contract?.methods.allowance.isLoading && "Loading..."}</span>
<span>{contract?.methods.allowance.isFailed && "Failed"}</span>

When you are sending a transaction to the Smart contract, you might need to wait for the transaction to be confirmed to manage the state properly. You can use the executeAndWait method. Example is given below.

import { useContract } from "ethylene/hooks";
import { ERC20 } from "ethylene/constants";

function App() {
const provider = useProvider();

const contract = useContract({
address: "0xContractAddress",
abi: ERC20,
provider: provider,

return (
onClick={async () => {
const res = await contract?.methods.methodName.executeAndWait();
Call a function named allowance


Method autocomplete for Typescript

You can use Typescript types to enable autocomplete for your methods. The example is given below. It will help you to see all the contract methods during the coding without being needed to check the abi again.

Unfortunately, the argument types have not been implemented yet, but it is in process!

import { useContract } from "ethylene/hooks";
import { ERC20 } from "ethylene/constants";

type ContractMethods = "allowance" | "balanceOf" // Add other methods like this

function App() {
const provider = useProvider();

// Send your custom type to hook to enable autocomplete
const contract = useContract<ContractMethods>({
address: "0xContractAddress",
abi: ERC20,
provider: provider,

return (


type Props = {
address: string;
abi: ContractInterface; // Only JSON Interface is supported for now
provider: Web3Provider;

type ReturnType = EthyleneContract | null;

All interface formats will be supported in the future.

EthyleneContract Interface

class EthyleneContract = {
ethersContract: Contract; // Built-in ethers contract
methods: MethodInterface; // Defined Below

type MethodInterface<T extends string> = {
[key in T]: {
// Execute a function from Smart Contract
execute: (...args: any) => Promise<any>;

// Execute a function from Smart Contract and wait for the transaction
executeAndWait: (...args: any) => Promise<any>;

// is the transaction loading
isLoading: boolean;

// is the transaction failed
isFailed: boolean;