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This hook is used to assign callbacks for events that is triggered from the Smart Contract.


Let's say we have an event called transferred. We can listen to the event as below:

import { useContractEvent } from "ethylene/hooks";
import { ERC20 } from "ethylene/constants";

function App() {
useContractEvent("transferred", {
abi: ERC20,
address: "0xContractAddress",
callback: (data) => {

return (


If you want to add dynamic types to the data that is coming from the event, you can pass array of types to the hook. The example is given below

import { useContractEvent } from "ethylene/hooks";
import { ERC20 } from "ethylene/constants";

function App() {
useContractEvent<[string]>("transferred", {
abi: ERC20,
address: "0xContractAddress",
callback: (data) => {
// data[0] will be string

return (


type Props = [
event: string,
address: string; // contract address
abi: ContractInterface; // Only JSON Interface is supported for now
deps?: any[]; // reassign on event change
callback?: (data: T[]) => void; // Callback that is called on event trigger

type ReturnType = void;