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This hook is used to check whether you are connected to the right network. Also, you can use the switchTo function that is returned from the hook to change the network to correct one.

Network definition

We created type EthyleneNetwork type and you must provide the details accordingly to the useRightNetwork hook. The hook accepts this network object type as prop and handles everything for you.

type EthyleneNetwork = {
chainId: string;
name: string;
rpcUrls: string[];
nativeCurrency: { name?: string; decimals?: number; symbol?: string };

The are several pre-defined and commonly used networks in constants section. However, you can define your own network too!

import { useRightNetwork } from "ethylene/hooks";
import { AVAX_MAINNET } from "ethylene/constants"; // An example pre-defined network

function App() {
const { isRightNetwork, switchTo } = useRightNetwork(AVAX_MAINNET);

return (
<div className="App">
{isRightNetwork ? (
<p>You are connected to correct network</p>
) : (
<button onClick={switchTo}>Switch to correct network</button>


type Props = {
/* Network that you want to connect */
network: EthyleneNetwork;

type ReturnType = {
/* Function that handles the switching to the provided network */
switchTo: () => void;

/* Whether you are connected to the right network */
isRightNetwork: boolean;