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This hook helps you to obtain your WEB3 connection details in components. The available states are

  • auth: whether the user is connected
  • provider: Web3 provider
  • signer: Web3 signer obtained from provider
  • address: your wallet address
import { useAccount } from "ethylene/hooks";

function App() {
const { auth, provider, signer, address } = useAccount();

return (

You can use auth value to conditionally render the components, handle the transaction sending states.

import { useAccount } from "ethylene/hooks";

function App() {
const { auth } = useAccount();

useEffect(() => {
if(!auth) return; // No operation if not connected

... // send your transactions or run a view function

}, [auth])

return (


type ReturnType = {
/* Whether you are connected to dApp */
auth: boolean;

/* Web3 Provider */
provider: any;

/* Web3 Signer */
signer: any;

/* Your address string */
address: string;